Magic Saw with FREE 8-in-1 Mini Screwdriver Set

Product Price

RM69.00 RM90.00




🟢 Magic Saw Features
🟢 Widely used in Construction, Decoration, Handicraftprocessing and other outdoor leisure activities.
🟢 Essential tool for the average family.
🟢 Light Compact Hand
🟢 Saw that lets you cut almost any material
🟢 It cuts effortlessly through an amazing range ofmaterials including metal, wood, glass, tile, hard plastic, rope,etc.
🟢 8 In 1 Mini Screwdriver Set With LED Torchlight Features
🟢 Integrated torch for use on its own or to illuminate working area when using the screwdrivers.
🟢 Extra heavy duty screwdriver locking mechanism.
🟢 Electrically insulated heavy duty handle and screw driver stems.
🟢 Handy clothes clip for secure attachment to your shirt or pants
🟢 Ideal for the professional DIY or keep in your cars glove box in case of an emergency.

Contact Now:
Jenifer 📞 0103107648

Product Information

📐 size
28.5 x 4 x 18 cm
🌈 color

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